i drank of styx, and became invulnerable

i drank of lethe, and forgot mortality

i drank of acheron, and learned of a way back

i drank of cocytus, and found the sea

i drank deep

profilename: Saoirse Byrne
epithet: Of the Dying Gasp
race: Elezen (Mhachi)
- common
- mhachi
physicalityheight: 6'5"
age: Antediluvian
- teal eyes bereft of pupils
- fiery crimson hair
- inky black creeping from fingertip to forearm
- fangs of gleaming ivory
- archaic, mhachi brogue
- smiles too frequently; as if showing off teeth

void magic -
black magic -

eye of vustruran -
necrologos grimoire -
crimson rapier -
recordoccupation: voidmage, doctor
residence: Yaefemi Saltmoor
nationality: Mhachi
standing: Archmage of the First Circle
romanticsexuality: greysexual
status: single


mage - monster - mytha name found in a tome; tucked in a dusty library, behind creaking doors and 'neath shadowed halls.there's history to the name. power, for weal and woe both. but you didn't come this far to turn back now, did you?will you seek out it's owner?

this is the water, and this is the well


« a doctor of plagues: saoirse has an incredibly keen mind of the mystical and mundane workings of plagues, and keeps extensive records upon all she's come across in her many, many years. the effort in understanding the minutiae of their function means she is one of the foremost minds on botht the creation and cure of disease. mayhaps you need a doctor - who won't ask many questions...« the void vessel: should one wander into the saltmoors of Yafaem, a strange, eerie vessel that floats soundlessly through the skies may cross their path. reminiscent of the void ark, it trawls above the marsh in a ceaseless, meandering trail. wait. did you catch it's eye...?« from the pages of antiquity: scholars and learned souls that have an interest in the War of the Magi would find the name of Saoirse Byrne a recurring one; one of the magi tasked with destroying the nation of Nym. While by far her most notable appearance in the history books, it is by no means the last one....« binder of the void: no nation in the history of the star made use of the void better than mhach - and saoirse was there for it all. should one require knowledge of a particular voidsent, well. do come knocking, won't you?

drink deepand descend


> saoirse is a roleplay character on the ffxiv server balmung
> my active times are late afternoons or early evenings on most days, in the PST time zone
> please feel free to hit me up for roleplay, even if i look busy - i'd love to set up a time to do a scene
i am looking for:
- long-term rp
- mystical mayhem
- medical or surgical interactions
- adventures of all sorts